U of A University of Arizona

Yasufumi Enami
Professor, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Nagasaki University, Japan
Adjunct Associate Research Professor
College of Otpical Sciences, University of Arizona

Contact Information

  • Telephone:+81-95-819-2704
  • Email:enami@email.arizona.edu 
  • Mailing Address: 1-14 Bunkyo Nagasaki, Nagasaki852-8521 Japan

>University of Arizona, Ph.D. (Optical Science)

Research Topic and Hand-On Experience:
Microfabrication, Fiber Optics, Electro-Optics, Nonlinear Optics, Integrated Optical Waveguide Devices, Organic Polymer Devices, Solid-State Lasers, and Gas Lasers in (1) High speed hybrid electro-optic polymer/sol-gel waveguide modulator, (2) Fiber distributed sensors to detect strain, (3) Novel fiber Bragg gratings for fiber sensors, (4) Sol-gel waveguide devices for biosensors (5) Pulsed Yb fiber lasers using intracavity polymeric EO switching, (6) Fiber lasers for photodynamic therapy (PDT) for cancer. (7)Organic FET with nano-gap electrodes for flexible organic LED displays. (8) Photorefractive polymers. (9) Sol-Gel waveguide devices , and (10) Fast axial-flowed high power CO2 lasers.

Selected Publication
・ Roland Himmelhuber, Robert Norwood, Yasufumi Enami and Nasser Peyghambarian, “Sol gel materials enabled electro optic polymer modulators”,  MDPI, Sensors , vol.15, pp. 18239-18255,(2015).
Y. Enami, Y. Jouane, J. Luo, and A. K-Y. Jen, “Enhanced conductivity of sol-gel silica cladding for efficient poling in electro-optics polymer/TiO2 vertical slot waveguide modulators”, Optics Express, vol. 22, pp. 30191-30199 (2014).
・ Y. Jouane, Y-C. Chang, D. Zhnag, J. Luo, A. K-Y. Jen, and Y. Enami, “Unprecedented highest electro-optic coefficient of 226 pm/V for electro-optic polymer/TiO2 multilayer slot waveguide modulators”, Optics Express, vol. 22, pp. 27725-27732 (2014).
Y. Enami, Y. Kayaba, J. Luo, and A. K-Y. Jen, “Mesoporous sol-gel silica cladding for hybrid TiO2/electro-optic polymer waveguide modulators,” Optical Express, vol. 22. pp. 16418-16423 (2014).
Y. Enami, B. Yuan, M. Tanaka, J. Luo, and A. K-Y. Jen, "Electro-optic polymer/TiO2 multilayer slot waveguide modulators", accept, Applied Physics Letters, vol 101, pp. 123509 (2012).
Y. Enami, J. Luo, and A. K-Y. Jen, "Short hybrid sol-gel silica/polymer waveguide switches with high in-device electro-optic coefficient based on photostable chromophore", AIP advances, vol. 1, pp. 042137 (2011).
・ J. Hong and Y. Enami, “Modeling and analysis of microring resonator modulators with feedback waveguide coupling”, accept, Journal of Lightwave Technology, (2011).
Y. Enami, J. Hong, C. Zheng, J. Luo, a. K-Y. Jen, “Optical transmission stability for hybrid sol-gel silica/electro-optic polymer waveguide modulator”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol 23, 1508 (2011).
Y. Enami, K. Tsuchiya, and S. Suye, "Detection of organophosphorus compound based on a sol-gel silica planar waveguide deoped with a green fluorescent protein and an prganophosphorus hydrolase", Applied Physics Letters, vol 98, 233503 (2011) (this has been selected for the June 15, 2011 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, which is published by the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics.http://www.vjbio.org/)
・ J. Hong, and Y. Enami, “Analysis of optical time-domain demultiplexer using microring resonators”, Optical Review, vo.17, pp. 532 (2010).
・ J. Hong, and Y. Enami, “Numerical solution of the dynamics of micro-ring resonator modulatos”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 22,969, (2010).
> Y. Enami, D. Mathine, C. DeRose, R. Norwood, J. Luo, A. Jen, and N. Peyghambarian, "Hybrid electro-optic polymer/sol-gel waveguide directional coupler switches", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 94, pp. pp. 213513 (2009).
> Y. Enami, D. Mathine, C. DeRose, R. Norwood, J. Luo, A. Jen, and N. Peyghambarian, "Transversely tapered hybrid electro-optic polymer/sol-gel Mach-Zehnder waveguide modulator", Applied Physics Letters , vol. 92, pp. 193508(2008).
>C. DeRose, D. Mathine, Y. Enami, R. Norwood, J. Luo, A. Jen, and N. Peyghambarian, "Electro-optic polymer modulator with single-mode to multimode waveguide transitions", accept, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 20, pp.1051 (2008).
>Y. Enami,T. Fukuda, S. Suye, "Sol-gel silica planar waveguide doped with green fluorescent protein for in-line biosensors", Applied Physics Letters,vol. 91, pp. 203507(2007).
> Y. Enami, D. Mathine, C.T. DeRose, R.A. Norwood, A. K-Y. Jen, and N. Peyghambarian, "Hybrid polymer/sol-gel waveguide modulators with 0.65V half-wave voltage at 1550nm, Applied Physics Letters. vol. 91, pp. 093505(2007).
>Y. Enami, C.T.DeRose, D. Mathine, C. Loychik, C. Greenlee, R.A.Norwood, T.D.Kim, J. Luo, Y.Tian, A.K-Y.Jen, and N,. Peyghambarian, “Hybrid polymer/sol-gel waveguide modulators with exceptionally large electro-optic coefficients", Nature Photonics, 1(3), pp.180-185 (2007).

>Y. Enami, C. T. DeRose, C. Loychik, D. Mathine, R.A. Norwood, J. Luo, A. K-Y. Jen, and N. Peyghambarian, Low half-wave voltage and high electro-optic effect in hybrid polymer/sol-gel waveguide modulators"Applied Physics Letters, vol. 89, pp. 143506 (2006).
>C. T. DeRose, Y. Enami, C. Loychik, R. A. Norwood, D. Mathine, M. Fallahi, and N. Peyghambarian, J. Luo, A. Jen, M. Kathaperumal and M. Yamamoto, "Pockel’s coefficient enhancement of poled electro-optic polymers with a hybrid organic-inorganic sol-gel cladding layer", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 89, pp. 131102(2006).
>Y. Enami, G. Meredith, N. Peyghambarian, and A.K-Y. Jen, "Hybrid electro-optic polymer/sol-gel waveguide modulator fabricated by all-wet etching process", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 83(23), pp. 4692-4694 (2003).
>Y. Enami, M. Kawazu, A.K-Y. Jen, G. Meredith, and N. Peyghambarian, "Polarization insensitive transition between sol-gel waveguide and electro-optic polymer and intensity modulation for all-optical networks" IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 21(9), pp.2053-2060 (2003).
>Y. Enami, G. Meredith, N.Peyghambarian, M. Kawazu, A.K-Y. Jen, "Hybrid electro-optic polymer and selectively-buried sol-gel waveguides," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 82(4)pp. 490-492  (2003).
>Y. Enami, P.Poyhonen, D.L.Mathine, A.Bashar, P.Madasamy, S.Honkanen, B.Kippelen, N.Peyghambarian, S.R.Marder, A.K-Y.Jen, and J.Wu,"Poling of soda-lime glass for hybrid glass/polymer electro-optic modulator," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 76(9), pp. 1086-1088 (2000).
>B.Kippelen, S.R.Marder, E.H.Hendrickx, J.L.Maldonado, G.Guillemet, B.L.Volodin, D.D.Steele, Y. Enami, Sandalphon, Y.Yao, J-F.Wang, H.Rockel, L.Erskine, and N.Peyghambarian, "Infra-red photorefractive polymers and their applications for imaging," Science, vol. 279, pp. 54-57(1998).

Invited Presentations
>N. Peyghambarian, Y. Enami, C. T. DeRose, D. Mathine, R.A. Norwood, J. Luo, and A. K-Y. Jen, “Hybrid electro-optic modulators with subvolt drive voltage”, The 21st Annual Meeting IEEE of Lasers & Electro-Optics Society, Newport Beach, CA USA, TuV3 (2008).
>Y. Enami, C. T. DeRose, C. Loychik, D. Mathine, R.A. Norwood, J. Luo, A. K-Y. Jen, and N. Peyghambarian, “Improvement of electro-optic effect and novel waveguide structure in hybrid polymer/sol-gel modulators” (Invited Paper), SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering), Photonics West 6470,  64700G (2007).
>N. Peyghambarian, Y. Enami, C. T. DeRose, D. Mathine, C. Loychik, C. Greenlee, R.A. Norwood, T. D. Kim, J. Luo, Y. Tian, and A. K-Y. Jen, "Polymers with Unprecedented NLO Response” (invited), Organic Thin Films Photonic Applications Symposium,The Optical Society of America’s (OSA) 91st Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA USA, TWA (2007).
>Y. Enami, and N. Peyghambarian, “Nonlinear optics of organics and device applications (invited)”, European Optical Society Annual Meeting, Paris, France, TOM6, (2006). >Y. Enami, A. K-Y. Jen, N. Peyghambarian, “Optical waveguide modulators fabricated using electro-optic polymers”, The53nd Spring Meeting, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Symposium 48.1, (2006).
>G. Meredith, Y. Enami, J. Frantz, J. Carriere, C. Loychik, C. DeRose, D. Mathine, R. Kostuk, N. Peyghambarian, “Hybrid-structure electro-optic modulators: EO-polymer overlays on selectively exposed silicate waveguides (Invited Paper)”, SPIE Photonics West  5350-15 (2004).

Acamemic Society
Optical Society of America, IEEE, IEEE Photonics Society, SPIE Senior Member